Sunday, January 6, 2008


Can somebody tell me why this exists? Or more to the point, it's purpose.. other than making you scratch your head and ask people ... why?


Jerome said...

Some weird attempt at "innovative" marketing from the geniuses at Burger King. "Chicken the way you want it," I suppose.

Sean Newbury said...

a) I don't like BK

B) even if I DID, this would turn me off it for good

C) Why would ANYONE go to a Burger joint for CHICKEN... isn't that what PFK (KFC to you anglos) is for?!

D) I can assure you there is no way I want my chicken to be ANYTHING similar to anything that 'chicken' does

E) I hope ChickenBoy got paid good money.

Anonymous said...

So THAT's what Rusty's been up to since Friendly pulled up the drawbridge for the last time!

I think we should team up with Corn, and produce a documentary: "Children's Idol Rooster Gone Bad". The subtitle could be "For Two More To Curl Up In...".

Admit it: You've been typing in dirty words, haven't you?

Bruno Laliberté said...

just grappling at a failing market, before going's been bad for them, with the mad cow disease, bad marketing (?!?) & such...
they've been ailing for quite a while now...

Ma Horton said...

Funny to me it does not exist 'cause I cannot see it !

Sean Newbury said...

NGB... The friendly Giant reference is BRILL! As for typing in dirty words... GET OUT-TA MY HEAD!

TB... boo hoo! I feel so bad for em! HA! Can't you see me waving frantically at BK screaming BY-EEEE! LAY-TER! BON VOY-AGE-YEE!

Ma... Don't be too upset if you cant see it... but if you're REALLY desperate to see, try typing in...

Cheryl (a.k.a Sherri, and vice-versa) said...

Had a surreal Burger King experience whilst Christmas shopping. First, I was STARVING, o.k., otherwise would never go to Burger King. It was late, it was cold, I was on foot, BK was closest.

So, I order a burger and some onion rings. Sit down, bite into burger, it's palatable. Does the job. Bite into onion ring, it's barely lukewarm. It's Christmas, I'm tired, I'm starving, therefore I am going to complain. Go up to cash, say "these are cold". Teenaged twerp says "they were just made." I repeat "they're cold", slightly slower so she gets it. She says "do you want new ones?" I say "yes" -- I go back to sit down. After a few minutes, I go up, she gives me my rings, and I stick my finger in them, and they are lukewarm. I wave onion ring at teenager, and say "does this feel hot to you?". Yes, I actually waved an onion ring in her face. So, she made another batch, which I saw her dump out of the hot fryer, and put in the little cardboard container. God knows how, but they were still lukewarm. Natural substances do not cool that fast --dunno what those things are made of! I gave up, ate a couple of them, and left. No more BK for me! Ever!(Please ignore bad grammar and punctuation throughout this message, tomorrow I go back to work as Grammar Nazi, so I am entitled.)

Anonymous said...

it' BK going viral. a very well thought out and planned viral campaign. that's when you know things are going to get real shit real fast... when marketing wizards decide that viral is content is great and should be applied to everything they can get their hands on. a chicken doing what i tell it to? but i eat chicken! so bold burger king oh so bold.

Sean Newbury said...

Cheryl (a.k.a Sherri, and vice-versa)... I love the waving the onion ring part the best!

... I can't even tell you the last time I was in a BK... I CAN say it was in the early 90's but that's about it. I still (as is clearly evident from prior posts still go to McDo and I have to say PFK on occasion... but that's it) The next closest 'fast food' I hit is Frites Alors... which really, doesn't count as 'fast'

Corn... REALLY? this impressed you? BOLD? I honestly don't know how on gods green earth that this would even remotely make a person want to go eat at a BK... I still really don't get it. Clara "Where's the Beef?" Peller I got. ...This? Me no get.

Bruno Laliberté said...

cheryl... hit her problem on the nail, maybe unknowingly....
"natural substances don't cool that fast"...
you have your answer right there.
nothing beats home cooking or restaurants that offer the same fare.
last time at BK's was in the late 90's, with disgusting results...
& macdo, in 2001, 'cause i was painting the appartment. mcdo is my solution to not cooking when i do such things, but only then...

Anonymous said...

Sorry, folks, but I don't mind Booger King once in a while, although Wendy's is my favourite burger joint, followed by Harvey's.
McDo gives me the runs, regardless of what I get to eat there.

All hail Tim Hortons, which can't be beat, especially with the new Bagel B.E.L.T.

Cheryl (a.k.a Sherri, and vice-versa) said...

So, Bob, what do you beat with your BELT? (sorry couldn't be helped :).

I think I may make waving onion rings at teenagers part of my Christmas tradition.

And, yeah, it wasn't kind to the intestines the next day, either. Well, I guess it COULD be considered kind...cleaned 'em right out!

T said...

totally off topic, but Kitty....I POKED YOU!!! And you did not return said poke...I'm sad now

Sean Newbury said...

T... don't be offended... but I gave up Poking on Crackbook as my New Years Resolution......

I was WAY too pokey there... averaging a good 40+ pokes each day. A few 'friends, who WON'T remain namelss... John "Everything but Poopie" Shannon and Jerome "DullGloomy" Black seem to think that their recommendations for my Friends list to poke me, thereby weakening me to poke back was a good thing. Well now I'm deleting en mass Pokes from people... some people I don't even recoginze... so it's likely that I deleted your Poke not knowing it was you.

... ADD me to your friends... that's cool but I won't be poking... at least until 12:00 am Jan 1 2009. :-)

Jerome said...

Allow me to weigh in on the fast food debate.

Burger King and my tastebuds: Never the twain shall meet. Can't stand it.

McDonalds: Sorry, but it's total comfort food for me. Never had any "issues" intestinally as a result, either. Plus, I worked there as a teenager and of all the restaurants I've worked in (and that includes more "respectable" ones), I'm BY FAR more confident in the sanitation there than any of the others.

Wendy's: I enjoy it now and then, but the meat itself tastes like it's boiled bland. Thank goodness for condiments.

A&W: Crappy fries, but tasty burgers.

Harvey's: Once in a while I'll eat it, and while I'm eating, I'll think, "This is tasty." Then when I'm done I think, "Okay. I got that out of my system," and I don't have the desire to go again for a time. Odd, but true.

It's scary how much junk I eat at times, but anyone who knows me well knows I live a bit of a hectic life, and I go through periods of eating on the run...

JB said...

This has been done before.
How effective was it?
Well, I don't remember who did it, so not all that effective, I guess.
It'll catch on with kids, though. They'll tell the chicken to do all manner of things...but they don't have much money most of the time, so it probably won't really do much for chicken-how-you-want-it sales. Anybody ask the chicken to smash the TV?

Anonymous said...

i'm actually not impressed. you should have heard the sacastic tone of my inner voice while i was commenting on that. the chicken thing is probably a response to this which got a lot of attention and is pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

While we're alternately praising and trashing fast food and its effects on our digestive systems, how about poutine? Sits like a brick in the pit of my stomach, then makes a hasty, heavy exit -- a real ass-splasher.

Jerome said...

The chicken's been around for years, though. I think the "campaign" has long since expired, but lives on simply because nobody ever seems to delete obsolete content on the internet.

Newsguy, I don't know you from Adam, but it sounds like you may just have digestive problems. I get ... um ... difficulties like those you describe about once every seven or eight years and that's only if I'm sick ...

Anonymous said...

Adam who?

Jerome said...

Ha! That amused me more than is logical.