Well as part of the next chapter of Misster-Kitty's like I am embarking on the Fabulication of my new Apt. I move in October 1st, but will be plastering, painting and papering during the next two weeks, so that upon moving day, I can just move in, unpack and be done.
Wish me luck!
I wish you lots of luck with the painting and plastering and all that good stuff.
I am sure you will do great and DON'T FORGET to bring all the Christmas decorations with you because Christmas would just not be the same without all that!!
i never realised pink was in your palette... good luck!!
On one hand, I'm happy for you. On the other hand, I'm sad because of, well, you know.
But life does go on, right? And with you, it goes on with lots of leopard print, and looking fab-yoo-LUSS!
WV: avery. But my name is Bob
Good luck!
Here's to new beginnings!!!
Wish my stop in Montreal on Friday was longer so we could meet for a coffee talk.
Maria... storage at the new place is tighter than scotsman coinpurse... I'll be storing the Christmas decos at a friends basement.
TB... I will actually incorporate some hot pink throughout the apt... as I embrace the inner uber-fag in me, I shall accent in pink!
NGB... Too bad you're back to work... I would have hired you to help paint!
P-W When do you pass through?
Storing Christmas decorations? I thought they would be going up on, oh, say, October 2nd?
hoping you'll be posting pics of the before & after....
oh wait.i think i've missed something.
What's that Shirl?
i don't recall you talking about getting a new place? or do i? no, i'm pretty sure i don't.
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