Friday, March 30, 2007

Freakin' Sweet!

Oh yea! I slept in...

...til oh, almost 7:25 am!!!

It seems the construction going on behind our new condo is in over-drive now and, bless them, they DO wait 'til almost 7 am in the morning to start. Once 7 am HAS hit though, look out.

This morning it seems that a back loader was perpetually going in reverse for about 20 mins, 'cause all I could hear was that frickin' *BEEP BEEP BEEP* they make...


Oh well... I had a leisurely morning so far.

Had breakie with me man and then sent his ass packing to work by 8:10. And since then, my ass has been fining it's 'ahhh, just right' spot on the sofa. Got another cuppa-joe and now it's time for my all day Family Guy-fest.



Ma Horton said...

Dam your legs look like mine .

Sean Newbury said...

Then you're one sexy 'mother'!

Mirian Naccaratto said...

HOT SLIPPERS :), your are hilarious!

Sean Newbury said...

You have no idea! ;)
That's just the tip of the 'leopard wardrobe'...


Mirian Naccaratto said...

and where did you get that fab background for your blog?

Sean Newbury said...

Plush ain't it?! I added it me-self.

I added the image to the web, (on my main website) then I edited the HTML of my blog template to reference the image as a background.