A breath of fresh air.
I should be writing my Last Will and Testament as we speak, seeing as I'm on Death's Door and expect to cross over into the light in the coming hours....
I have been afflicted with the most heinous and powerful cold. What started as a tickle in the back of my throat only on Tuesday Afternoon has quickly spawned into the most intense cold with minute long coughing fits that leave me like a good sex session... breathless, grasping my chest and near tears.
I called in sick today and will do the same tomorrow, but the only thing that's helping me get through this black plague of a cold is: Santiago cuddling in super close, NeoCitran Extra Strength that is just LOVELY taken intravenously, and my new NetiPot.
NetiPot you say? Why, whatever on earth could that be? We'll I'll tell you... it's s'not for making tea... at least not the sort of tea one would commonly refer to. OK yes it does make a nice 'Green tea' but again, not what you'd expect.
I have been afflicted with the most heinous and powerful cold. What started as a tickle in the back of my throat only on Tuesday Afternoon has quickly spawned into the most intense cold with minute long coughing fits that leave me like a good sex session... breathless, grasping my chest and near tears.
I called in sick today and will do the same tomorrow, but the only thing that's helping me get through this black plague of a cold is: Santiago cuddling in super close, NeoCitran Extra Strength that is just LOVELY taken intravenously, and my new NetiPot.
NetiPot you say? Why, whatever on earth could that be? We'll I'll tell you... it's s'not for making tea... at least not the sort of tea one would commonly refer to. OK yes it does make a nice 'Green tea' but again, not what you'd expect.

What a NetiPot is, exactly, is indeed a little blue 'tea pot' shaped tool that you fill with distilled or filtered water, add a NeliMed 'nasal rinse' packet (Sodium Chloride and Sodium Bicarbonate powders) Mix, and then pour though one nostril as it fills your sinus cavities and drains out the other nostril. Then you repeat, but in reverse...
I can tell you it's SNOT for everyone. And I'm surprised I was even able to do it. But what I'll say is this... YES it's disgusting. YES it's messy. YES it's uncomfortable (You're flooding your head with salt water for god's sake!) ... but once you've dried off and given one last blow for old time's sake... you actually feel refreshed and more importantly you can breath! Breath like you have never breathed before! And better still you don't end up going through a box of Kleenex every hour. Sure you still feel like shit, you've got a killer cold, but you can breath damn it and that's at least ONE step in the right direction.

So the next time you're sick and congested I say, do yourself the favour and drop good money on pouring a teapot full of salt water up your schnoz... you'll that me when your through.

and where do you get that cute lil'thing???
and as far as you go, as long as it's not H1N1. but you said it started on tuesday. it would have been obvious by now if it had been...
Is it also good for kids?
Although, it actually sounds quite gross it does seem like it can get the job of clearing out the mucus build-up.
Get well soon!
TB most pharmacies have em although the Uniprix I got mine at it was the last one in stock...
And I really dont think it's H1Ni It's just the cold to end all colds... No fever so I'm not worried... just sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Maria I think It's fine there's nothing on my that restricts the age of the user, but you could always ask a Pharmacist. It's totally nasty but once you've done it once you dont care, cause it's SO GREAT to not have to blow your nose every 10 minutes for 5-6 hours!
Sorry. It feels awesome to clear that gunk out. I know how gross it is too. I once coughed up a big one that slid down my throat from my nose. Disgusting. I hope it isn't H1N1. I don't know the stats, but you may want to get a last will and testament form just in case! (jk) good luck
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