Chinese Ranterns...
So you know I went to the Chinese Lantern Exhibit today... here are the 'visual highlights'... the real highlight was spending the afternoon with a sweet guy with a creative and artistic background that was both a pleasure and a joy to talk with... that made the day all that much more magical... :-)

Gorgeous! Reminds me of a park (can't remember the name) in Paris!
great pics though!!
glad you enjoyed.
me, there were way too many people to enjoy this at its full measure.
oh well!!
Beautiful Pictures....!!! I love it!
Tanks Shirl... I try not to miss the Ranterns... this is my 4th year in a row. Always a wonderously magical evening
Yea, I said it... Ranterns1 ;-) IYOu have to PLAN your visit TB... We arrived at 4:15 Had to wait in line for tickets maybe 15 mins or so and then went through the greenhouses... then took a stoll up to the Japanese Gardens as the sun was still kinda high. I think we hit the Chinese Gardens about 5:30 ish as Dusk was really taking it's control of the sky... and there was in my personal experience next to NO ONE THERE! OK so maybe 150 or so in the gardens but that is NOTHING! We left at 7:30 and the line up was easily 10 times in length and was nearly out to the front entrance. The place was quickly filling up. And see, here's the thing... unless you've got Mr Professional Camera, a Tripod etc you can't take that great a pic once the sun IS down... you NEED to be there at dusk with the ambient light on your side... MOST people think you should ONLY get there once it's dark... and that suits me fine!
Hey there CoM! Thanks, but after a quick oogle through your blog ... "I'm not worthy!"
well, what you saw upon your departure is pretty much what i went through: grueling!!
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