Random moments of happiness on a Sunday Afternoon...
Santiago Sunbathing in the Kitchen as I do some baking...

What am I baking?
... Cinnamon Raisin and Hazelnut Bread Pudding...

Guaca and Mole had a bath and their place is now decorated for Hallowe'en...

On the way over to friends for Brunch and Ugly Betty I passed this 'Skate Park" that cost tax payers over $400,00.00 (Don't EVER get me started!) It's generally filled with 20-somethings desperately trying to grasp onto their fleeting youth... well today it was filled with ACTUAL kids... and they were appropriately dressed and while there where yells and screams... they were of happiness and glee... not vulgarities and catcalls.

After Brunch, Eddie the Cat found the purrfect spot to hang out... on Richard's lap.

It's been a great Sunday and now Santiago and I are curling up on the sofa to watch Fatherland.
Hope y'all are having a great Sunday too.
There is nothing like good home cooking. That looks very nice Kitty and what juicy pears you have too.
The Bread Poodine was AWESOME! And a recipe out of the Farmers Almanac of all places! I'm making it again this weeknd! YUM YUM YUMMY
The Pears... DEE-Lish! More juice than a 17 year old... ;-)
Nice pics. I LURV the barber's chair. The cat looks exactly like Coffee, only not as pretty.
Now, if I may be political for a moment, in defence of those who use a skatepark, regardless of their age (and I am not one of them).
Why not $400,000? Upkeep costs would be minimal. Municipalities spend millions to build hockey arenas, and usually lose money year after year to operate the places. (And I have been involved in minor hockey for most of the last 35 years.)
WHY NOT?! Bob! It was a hole in the ground filled in with concrete... it's no bigger than a swimming pool and it cost $400,000!!!!
I'm not against them building it, I just REFUSE to believe or accept that it really needed to cost even a forth of what it actually did.
It's total effing bullshit!
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