What does Leap Year mean to you?
Leap Year; it's a magical time of year, right up there with RRSP and Income Tax deadlines. And not too coincidently it IS the RRSP deadline today (party on, eh?) But like so many special days, holidays and observances, Leap Year means something different to each and every one of us...
For some, Leap Year means that FINALLY they are one year older... Just think about that for a moment... for these chosen people they are only able to vote when they are 72 years old, or 18 dog years (as they call it) And depending on where they live, can only, finally taste the sweet sweet tickle of {legal} alcohol pass their lips at ages 72, 76, 80 or 84 (18, 19, 20 or 21 dog years) And can you imagine only losing your virginity in your mid-60s to mid-70s... FRIGHTENING!
For some, Leap Year is yet another slap in the face from the Man... A whole extra day of work. An extra Nine to Five, and what do you have to show for it? The SAME amount of pay at year end.
For others, It's an extra day to realize they are single and alone. Destined to live the rest of their lives, lonesome travellers on life's ever winding, seemingly never-ending road.
For me, Leap Year means a whole extra day of WINTER! Awwww Yea! An extra day of frigid, bone chilling temperatures, cold winds, and best of all... SNOW.
So, at this time of year, let's all take a moment why don't we and share what Leap Year means to us and give thanks that we can look forward to this most magical of days in another 4 years.

For some, Leap Year means that FINALLY they are one year older... Just think about that for a moment... for these chosen people they are only able to vote when they are 72 years old, or 18 dog years (as they call it) And depending on where they live, can only, finally taste the sweet sweet tickle of {legal} alcohol pass their lips at ages 72, 76, 80 or 84 (18, 19, 20 or 21 dog years) And can you imagine only losing your virginity in your mid-60s to mid-70s... FRIGHTENING!
For some, Leap Year is yet another slap in the face from the Man... A whole extra day of work. An extra Nine to Five, and what do you have to show for it? The SAME amount of pay at year end.
For others, It's an extra day to realize they are single and alone. Destined to live the rest of their lives, lonesome travellers on life's ever winding, seemingly never-ending road.
For me, Leap Year means a whole extra day of WINTER! Awwww Yea! An extra day of frigid, bone chilling temperatures, cold winds, and best of all... SNOW.
So, at this time of year, let's all take a moment why don't we and share what Leap Year means to us and give thanks that we can look forward to this most magical of days in another 4 years.

Yea... OK you can keep the bone chilling temperatures to yourself.
As for what leap year means to me... actually end of February usually means the same thing for me every year. It reminds me of being broke as a button, all thanks to RRSP season.
Thanks for reminding me.
On a brighter note however, this year is somewhat better because of my $1400.00 windfall last week at the casino.
...of which you've so graciously offered to grant a $200.00 donation to the Misster-Kitty France Vacation Fund.
So is tomorrow Leap Year Boxing Day?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Like you even had to ask!
i guess that would make me a lonesome traveler in winterland...
i don't mind the lonesomeness, but i can't wait for spring, & it meant waiting an extra day for it...
I just wanna know who the blueman is ?
It's a screen capture of hunky Scott Bakula deom the TV show Quantum Leap...
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