Monday, April 14, 2008

Dear Carrie Ann and Bruno...


Carrie Ann, to quote Connie (from Connie and Carla *)...
"Shut up, shut up, shut up! Your voice is giving me Mono!"

Bruno, to quote Connie (also from Connie and Carla **)...
"Carla Bruno, calm down. Your voice is giving me cramps."

If the two of you could kindly just go off somewhere and conveniently die, and leave Len to offer accurate, clear and concise critiques, comments and recommendations, not only would the dancers benefit, but so too would all the viewers (in-studio as well as those at home) by being spared your incessant, obnoxious, rude and generally inaccurate assessments of the dances.

Love you, mean it,

ps: Bruno, could ya maybe ask one of the hair and make-up people to run a brush through that rat's nest of yours?

pps: Seriously, Carrie Ann, keep it in your pants.

- - - - -

* Fun link #1 A vidclip where they start getting all Victor/Victoria.
** Fun link #2 with a cute Sing-a-long vidclip.


Cheryl (a.k.a Sherri, and vice-versa) said...

And that smug little face that Bruno gets when he raises his paddle! Makes me want to paddle his smug little face!

Sean Newbury said...


Bruno Laliberté said...

i'm bruno, also...
& i don't mind a paddle!!
can i stand in line?
let's make it the "spank-a-bruno day",

Ma Horton said...

Okay now I am laughing ..

joe*to*hell said...

i cant with that show. i tried.

but we always will have carrie ann to remember as the topless girl in madonna's "girlie show". i must say that is her best work - tho i havent seen any other. DWTS is unwatchable to me.

Sean Newbury said...

t'would be a pleasure to spank ya Bruno! ;-)

Sean Newbury said...

HA! Carrie Ann was in the Girlie Show? I gotta check that out!

I really don't know what it is about DwtS, but I HAVE TO watch it...

I can't help it... I just love a good D-List that I can watch and then critique.