I have a[nother] Dream...
...that Canada might actually win a couple of these things...

Look, don't get me wrong. I am being VERY supportive to our Olympic Team, but it just seems that, well, if countries like Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Chinese Taipei, Colombia, Croatia, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Mongolia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Thailand, Togo, Uzbekistan and Vietnam can have medals by now, we should too!
I don't even know where half of these countries are?!?!
Team Canada, I'm still rooting for you...
I am with you on this!!
I was shocked to hear that Canada has NO MEDAL yet!
Next time WE compete!!! not exactly sure what I am good at that merits a medal but I am sure I can think of something within the next 4 years.
You can compete in the Casino Events and I'll spear-head the Bitching and Kvetching teams.
N@ and Corn can compete in the Laff-Olympics...
Ma in the Bathroom Head-Plant event...
Jerome in the Readothon event...
... Anyone else want to join in on the Canadian Bloglymic Team?
I am sure NGB can compete in something...
As for the casino I was there last night with a profit of $495.00 and I was there again last Saturday with a profit of $615.00.
Hubby actually walked out with more than he started with YESTERDAY for the FIRST time in a LOOOOOOOONG Time. He started with $50.00 and walked out with a whopping $60.00...
Yea but I couldn't think what NGB would be best in...
Of course Milky will photo document all our victories!
I would win the gold medals in sarcasm and putdowns, you putz.
Or, I could compete in crazy old guy and his cat.
yeaaaaaaaaaaa... I think that would garner a Bronze at best Boob, er, I mean Bob...
Let's go where your truly natural abilities lay... Crazy Old Guy with Cat" events... kay?
NGB is not THAT old...
I've seen him and he's a cutie patootie!!
Shucks, I'm blushin'.
But Crazy Old Guy With Cat isn't necessarily a product of age, it's more a state of mind -- or OUT of mind.
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