iPoppy v2.0
Seems the past few year's it's been harder and harder to find Veterans offering the annual Poppy Pins. But as I came home from work on Thursday Oct 30th there was a table set up in the mini mall I exit the metro through.

I was glad to see the Veteran there and I made a bee-line for the booth. I plunked a twonie in his can and took a pin and put it on my lapel, he nodded, said thank you and smiled. Then I put in another twonie and asked if it was ok if I took a second one (For Didier) He said, "Of course, but you didn't need to put in more money." I said, "Yes, I did". He smiled and thanked me again, and I said, "Not at all, thank you."
Buying a poppy this time of year is the VERY LEAST we can all do to say, "Thank you, your sacrifices are not taken for granted or forgotten."
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Have you bought your poppy yet?
Well said, Kitty. Lest we forget, indeed.
Saint Kitty. I'm ashamed to say when I was at school my friend and I (who shall remain nameless) were once poppy monitors, we would go around to each class room asking the children and teachers if anyone would like a poppy, then we would find a quiet corner, tip the can upside, sliding a knife in and out the slot so the money would drop out, then it was off to the corner shop to buy ciggies. So now I always drop a pound coin in an old veteran's slot.
Well Mitz, confession is good for the soul. You know the error of your ways and you've corrected the path...
I just hope that back in the day you had the good sense to purchase some Dunhill Silk Cut at least...
Well done Kitty! A very nice expression of compassion. A lesson learned.
You're having trouble finding poppies? Wow, in Ottawa we're inundated with them. They've got little cadets selling them in the malls, commissionaires in every lobby of government buildings selling them, shops have poppy boxes at their cash counters and people/vets on street corners selling them
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