A Little off the Top Bottom
Hello Kittens,
This is a bit of a delicate matter, more directed towards the tom-cats … although the ladies might be able to comment on behalf of their bf’s\husbands… but I think, somehow this might be homo-specific…
Look there’s no polite way to discuss this…
Guys… you ever shave your balls? - not the FULL monty, cause that’s a LOT eepycray… you know, just the ‘boys’...

So, are you the shorn scrotum type?
Yes? You are? Good… ok I have a few questions, baring in mind that this is not something I normally do, but I was bored the other weekend and thought you know… why not? I’m on the market and you know, it pays to have a clean house when inviting over company… ;-)
Here’s the thing, what is the real upkeep involved here? ‘Cause personally it’s NOT the sort of place I want to have to shave THAT often. Hell, I tend to only shave my face once, maaaaaybe twice a week. On Sat, once I hit the one week mark I re-did ‘em and I would have done em sooner but as I’ve been sick and coughing and sneezing a lot I thought it best to wait til I and I’ll admit it went ‘smoother’ than the initial man-scapping but still it’s not a place where speed is an option, you just can’t go “Ginsu” down there. You need to have time on your hands…. And really it’s the sorta job that if you’re NOT going to do a good job, don’t bother… Personally I’ve been on the ‘receiving end’ of well… you know and it is NOT a place where stubble is attractive….

And since we’re on the subject, what is your preference? You like em in a fur coat or bare as a baby’s bottom?
So… Comments? Opinions? Beauty tips?
This is a bit of a delicate matter, more directed towards the tom-cats … although the ladies might be able to comment on behalf of their bf’s\husbands… but I think, somehow this might be homo-specific…
Look there’s no polite way to discuss this…
Guys… you ever shave your balls? - not the FULL monty, cause that’s a LOT eepycray… you know, just the ‘boys’...

So, are you the shorn scrotum type?
Yes? You are? Good… ok I have a few questions, baring in mind that this is not something I normally do, but I was bored the other weekend and thought you know… why not? I’m on the market and you know, it pays to have a clean house when inviting over company… ;-)
Here’s the thing, what is the real upkeep involved here? ‘Cause personally it’s NOT the sort of place I want to have to shave THAT often. Hell, I tend to only shave my face once, maaaaaybe twice a week. On Sat, once I hit the one week mark I re-did ‘em and I would have done em sooner but as I’ve been sick and coughing and sneezing a lot I thought it best to wait til I and I’ll admit it went ‘smoother’ than the initial man-scapping but still it’s not a place where speed is an option, you just can’t go “Ginsu” down there. You need to have time on your hands…. And really it’s the sorta job that if you’re NOT going to do a good job, don’t bother… Personally I’ve been on the ‘receiving end’ of well… you know and it is NOT a place where stubble is attractive….

And since we’re on the subject, what is your preference? You like em in a fur coat or bare as a baby’s bottom?
So… Comments? Opinions? Beauty tips?
Shave’em! I’m fairly hairy and I would say about once every two weeks works out best. When I’m able to sand down the kitchen cabinets, I know it’s time for a touch up. This summer I trimmed all of my chest hair...long grey chest hair is a no no. Mow down the armpits too. Rather than using shaving cream, I use conditioner. I have less irritation for some reason.
While we are on the subject... why not reach a little further and take a swipe at the hairs that rim the arsehole.
Um hum, I said it!
I know it wouldn't take long befoe someon dove in... and lawdy, but you brung it MDP...
Personally tho... and as furry as I am, I'm comfortable in my Bearness... I'm not gonna start manscaping the chest or pits and fo' sho' not the love canal! HAHAHAHA! eww nope! That is WAY too much commitment... I'm enjoying the boys doing a Telly Savalas impression, but the razor stops there!
Two weeks? Really? I dunno.... I dont think I'd have been able to go that long... Dude I think I'd be able to resurface asphalt after two weeks!
shaving for me is an every other day deal. when in my bath, from the rim to the base of the penis, the blade glides over it all. keeps it clean & ensure washing is more effective, no B.O. ... you know. hair is somewhat an inhibitor, & once removed, you get more sensation. it's worth the trouble, & i'm sure this bit of hygiene will be appreciated by any "visitors"... it's a win-win situation.
3 or 4 times a year here...
my birthday, his birthday, the anniversary.
that's it!
just kidding! i do it whenever the urge strikes me, but it is important to keep everything nice and trim.
So Michael and Kevin are Special Events types?
hmmmm I will give it a couple more weeks I'll either commit, and enjoy... or I'll cut myself and be done for good....
Is this what guys talk about behind closed doors?
HEY! Who closed that door!?
Good Lord Maria... my closet does't even have a door! lol
So does Hub shave his boys?
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