On medical leave...
Sorry Kittens, I've been a bad blogger again. I just cannot seem to catch a break with my health recently....
Six weeks ago it was a hernia, 3 weeks ago a blasted nasty cold, and now...
Six weeks ago it was a hernia, 3 weeks ago a blasted nasty cold, and now...

...a most heinous sinus infection. I'll save you the goreys but suffice to say the antibiotics have been doing as number on my innards... I feel like I've eaten nothing but Indian for a fortnight. Other that the royal visits to the throne I am pretty much horizontal.
I'm even in too much discomfort to tell you about my day at 3 CLSC (clinics) and the emergency... once I'm feeling better and the venom is coursing through the veins I'll up date you. I get violent in one part that was most satisfying. But for now... back to bed...
Isn't horizontal one of your favourite positions?
alas, Bob beat me to it, so I'll just send my get well wishes!
God! Not even close Bobby...
Takes Shirl... I'm so over being sick... ugh
And Jack, you're right! Sinus guy DOES look like the most dishonourable Stephen Harper... (Why'd you delete?)
Cause I screwed up! LOL
I thought I deleted and posted again but it didnt take the second time...
Lots of yogurt for you...kefir if you can find. Gotta help out those innards.
How's the sphincter?
I can sympathise with you there Kitty, I woke up in the early hours of this morining with catarrah, and now it's turned into a full blown cold. There is nothing worse than a drippy passage! You know what they say "Starve a fever, feed a cold" or is it vice verser?
Insane in the membrane!!
oh wait, sorry. Hope you feel better. ;) peace
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