World Vegan Day
I know right? I had no fucking clue either! Aside from being gay... I like meat, so this could have TOTALLY slipped under my radar except...
Here in Montréal there is an annual Montréal World Vegan Day Fashion Show. Again I say... I know, right?!
Well I more than knew because not only was the emcee of this event none other than my bestest gal pal (and fag hag in training) N@ Lauzon, but as well one of the celeb invite guests was an old friend from back east Lucy Decoutere, star of Trailer Park Boys (Yea I don't watch the show, in fact it was only about a year ago that I found out she's even on it! lol)
So I just got back and it was a fun night...
Who knew that there are Vegan Fashion Designers... pas moi!
The Event is organized by the Concordia Animal Rights Association (CARA) Among other specially guests were Habs Georges Laraque, and also from Trailer Park Boys, Sarah Dunsworth, and local band Commander Keen (with Jalene Vandermey) They were actually kinda fun and did a kick ass cover of Cory Hart's Sunglasses at Night! No shit!
The important part of this event, for me at least, aside from being there to support friends was that 100% of the proceeds from this annual event go to the Montréal SPCA and their fight against Puppy Mills. And being the Father of a Puppy Mill Rescue Pup it's something I can support 110% ANd I got to hang with N@, N@'s Mom Ma Horton, BF Corn, Sis Dawn and Aunt... Um...N@'s Aunt.. heh And got a few mins to chat with Lucy . I've not seen her since I moved to Mtl back in 1991 It was short but sweet and I also scored some MAJOR karma by having her sign a pack a smokes for a co-workers boyfriend who's a big fan of the Trailer Park Boys... It's nice to see that Lucy hasn't changed one bit! She's still the same energetic foul mouth freak that I remember. Love ya Lucy!
Next year I'll go again and I'll be a little more proactive and mention this BEFORE so in case YOU want to go you'll know...'s a few pics of the evening... sorry they totally suck but flash wasn't helping the place had a lot of 'atmospheric dust'
Here in Montréal there is an annual Montréal World Vegan Day Fashion Show. Again I say... I know, right?!
Well I more than knew because not only was the emcee of this event none other than my bestest gal pal (and fag hag in training) N@ Lauzon, but as well one of the celeb invite guests was an old friend from back east Lucy Decoutere, star of Trailer Park Boys (Yea I don't watch the show, in fact it was only about a year ago that I found out she's even on it! lol)
So I just got back and it was a fun night...
Who knew that there are Vegan Fashion Designers... pas moi!
The Event is organized by the Concordia Animal Rights Association (CARA) Among other specially guests were Habs Georges Laraque, and also from Trailer Park Boys, Sarah Dunsworth, and local band Commander Keen (with Jalene Vandermey) They were actually kinda fun and did a kick ass cover of Cory Hart's Sunglasses at Night! No shit!
The important part of this event, for me at least, aside from being there to support friends was that 100% of the proceeds from this annual event go to the Montréal SPCA and their fight against Puppy Mills. And being the Father of a Puppy Mill Rescue Pup it's something I can support 110% ANd I got to hang with N@, N@'s Mom Ma Horton, BF Corn, Sis Dawn and Aunt... Um...N@'s Aunt.. heh And got a few mins to chat with Lucy . I've not seen her since I moved to Mtl back in 1991 It was short but sweet and I also scored some MAJOR karma by having her sign a pack a smokes for a co-workers boyfriend who's a big fan of the Trailer Park Boys... It's nice to see that Lucy hasn't changed one bit! She's still the same energetic foul mouth freak that I remember. Love ya Lucy!
Next year I'll go again and I'll be a little more proactive and mention this BEFORE so in case YOU want to go you'll know...'s a few pics of the evening... sorry they totally suck but flash wasn't helping the place had a lot of 'atmospheric dust'
The Hostess with the Mostess... N@ Lauzon...

Lucy and Sarah... Lucy basically is a hyperactive child and this was the BEST pic I have of her front side from the fashion show...

But here's a GREAT shot of Lucy's ass...

This is a super fuzzy shot, but it's N@ being piggy-backed by Georges... cute!

At the end of the fashion show all the models on stage...

Commander Keen (with Jalene Vandermey)...

Sarah and Lucy after the show... chit-chattin' and a posin'!

And last, but not least... N@ and I... self portrait...

(Ma Horton, you'll have to send me the pic of us... )
A vegan fashion show?? Ha! You Canadians! Oh wait, I'm sure that was probably started by PETA here in the States. I'm not a big meat eater but I think going vegan is extreme, they can't have dairy right? Or eggs? What would I do with out my chili cheese omelets!!?? ;) peace
I know, Right!
I had a Big Mac before I went... (hand to god!)
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