Sunday, October 5, 2008

And they called it Puppy Love...


Didier, N@ and I went to the SPCA today to volunteer because of the crisis they are under due to the raids on two puppy mills here in Québec last week. Over 300 dogs were rescued, most have survived and they need love and support and many many many helping hands.

I knew my heart would break, but I was not prepared for the love WE received from these dogs. Dogs that have spent their WHOLE lives in cages. Some in Large rubbermaid crates even! You can only imagine and I think we all don't really want to... That they had any love to give US really speacks to the souls that these furry little beasties have.

We arrived at 1:00pm in time for the easiest part of the day... 'socialization time' All we had to do was go from cage to cage, take the dogs out, one at a time (if they'd even come out at all - it's sad that because when that's all they've ever known, they actually feel safer in than out) It was our job to just hold them, hug them, pet them, scratch them behind an ear... whatever they seemed to respond to.

Sounds easy right? Well it was and it wasn't. I think I cried as I held the first 3 or 4 of them. Some so small and under nourished you're afraid to pick them up. But you had to, you felt compelled to give these poor abused creatures some love. And how remarkably open they were to it. Some just nuzzled into your arms or neck, a couple licked your hands or your face while others just wanted to walk for a few minutes on the floor.

The first dog I held was not in good shape, she was all flea-bitten skin and bones and as uncomfortable as it was to hold her at first, she was just so happy to be held, licked my cheek that seconds later she became the sweetest, most beautiful animal you ever laid eyes on.

Some waited patiently just for a few minutes of affection, mostjust spun in their cages til you got to them. When you put them back they were calmer and would just sit and watch you with the next dog.

Another I took care of, a black and white spaniel (of some sort) had terribly mis-shaped front legs due to his life in cages. Once out he simply sat down next to me, and looked me in the face. I kept scratching him behind his ears and could have taken him home in mere moments because he was just so calm and serene.. When it was time to go back to his cage, he walked right in and curled up, lay down and just watched me the rest of the day. I had to come back throughout the day, his eyes; his eyes were just so loving.

I'm going to head back for a couple hours after work on Tuesday and then once or twice a week after my parents visit. These dogs need so much love...

If you'd like to volunteer too, you can find contact info here or check with your local chelters. I know we all have love to give and these little furry bundles so greatly need it


Bob said...

On behalf of the puppies, bless you, Didier and N@.
I'm welling up just reading your post.
I think I know what my next volunteer venture will be.

Sean Newbury said...

Bob, it was amazing I just wanted to stay and keep hugging these little beasties.

And really, I felt a bit guilty for having received as much affection back from them. It's weird I really expected them to be unruly, not hostile but none to happy to have humans holding them since it was humans that caused their pain and discomfort to begin with, but they're intelligent creatures... they know what were doing and they're thankful. I'm looking forward to stopping by after work tomorrow... even if it's just cleaning messy cages instead of cuddle time, they deserve the pamper treatment and that includes not having to wallow in their own mess.

I would highly recommend volunteering at your local shelter if you have the opportunity... hell volunteer period.

Maria said...

Its so wonderful what you guys did.

Really... really wonderful.
If only there was more hours in a day I would love to do it and my daughter who is such an animal lover and wants to be a VET-ERRRR-AN-A-RIANNNNEY when she grows up would love it.

Sean Newbury said...

Maria, The volunteer shifts are 3 hours and even then if you can only be there 1 or 2 hours it's still one more person for that time. I think it'd be a great thing for you and your daughter to do Even if only once a week or month I want to try and do two shifts a week ... and then I'll go from there....

Maria said...

Do we need to call to make an appointment or would we just show up?

Sean Newbury said...

Best to call and book... They are trying desperatluy to have equal amounts of people at all times.... but if you cant I'm sure they would not kick you away if yuou just showed up...

Anonymous said...

Aw, you’re a good kitty. I read about this horror on the weekend. I wish people would stop patronizing pet stores that sell live animals so that these puppy mills would no longer have a reason to exist. But people still buy animals from pet shops because it’s easier and quicker than going through a breeder or adopting from a shelter.

Mitzi said...

Rubbermaid crates? Sounds kinky!

Sean Newbury said...

Mitzi ... if only... This was not only where they were held it was where they existed. In blue bins that were only occasionally cleaned. In one of the Mills the level of Ammonia was so high that the rescuers wore gas masks... but it's the same air that the dogs had to breath 24/7.

Leonard said...

That was a wonderful post and heartbreaking! I don't understand how people can run puppy mills? Have they no heart or morals? Just amazes me how some human beings can be so cruel, whether it be to animals or people or children. Evil really does walk this earth. ;) peace

Sean Newbury said...

You said it Leonard!

i was there actually last night and am going back again tonight.

It's amazing just how much love these abuses animals have to give. I really feel guilt. I walk in, you're hit by the sound and the smell and then you hold just one of them for a minute and all the noise and smell falls away.

You're scrubbing the shit (sorry) out of their cages and you really couldn't care less because you WANT them to have the cleanest cages, the softest blankets and towels to curl up and sleep on. You WANT their happiness... that is all.

And I can happily report that many have already been adopted and or in foster homes and a few more leave every day. I was a little bummed that one in particular was not there last night but then very happy because this wee little thing nothing more than a little bit of black fur and shakes was now probably curled up safe and warm in her new home.

Bob said...

Keeping my fingers crossed that they all find "forever homes". The pity is that the shelter will one day fill up with more of the poor, helpless creatures. Life is often too cruel.

Sean Newbury said...

Between Tuesday and Wed nights another 12 or so found homes the numbers are dropping fast They could not be happier. But you're tight this will happen again... but when it does, I'll be there, so will Didier and I bet N@ and many others... even maybe YOU!