Sunday, March 22, 2009

Knowing Me, KnowingYou...


Knowing, the Movie...


We'd seen ads and trailers for this film for a while now and thought it looked good. We're not huge fans of Nicolas Cage, but when we tend to see a lot of his films (mostly on TMN) and they are generally enjoyable (save a few exceptions; Snake Eyes for example) So, we met our friend Pete for brunch then caught a bit of the St Paddy's Parade... (is it just me or is watching the parade in full sun with no wind chill, snow, sleet or rain, just NOT as enjoyable?!) then headed on into the cinema for the 1:20 showing.

It started well enough, and the plot was progressing nicely. The special effects were there and rather well done and overall I'd say the movie was good, bit Knowing me (ah-ha) as I do, the final few minutes kinda irked me. I didn't appreciate the religious overtones that were shoveled at us and thought they could have ended the film with out 'em. Not that I'm against religious per sé, but I like to know going INTO a movie of it's religious slants and no where in what I saw in the ads or trailers would have led you to believe the content was there.

I have to say I feel a little let down and deceived. I won't go into any specific detail, in case some of you are going to go see it, but at least you'll be prepared for the non-preachy preachy bits in the last 10 mins.

Mister-Kitty gives Knowing 6.5 hairballs outta 10. (ah-ha)


Anonymous said...

I have not heard good things about this flick either, though I love, love Nicholas Cage and will probably see it anyway. (Maybe I'll just leave early)

Mitzi said...

I've just seen the trailer for this film on GMTV including the plane crash scene, I'll be boarding a plane in a few hours time heading off to warmer clims and I'm shitting.

Sean Newbury said...

You'll be fine Mitz... none of the plane crases were in Tenerife... and unles you fly through Boston you're good1 Bon Vogage and Safe Return.

Maria said...

I will be flying in about 2 weeks, destination unknown for now. We book at the very last minute depending on seat availability. I also do not like to fly but figure its the quickest way to get from point A to point b.

I listen out for the Captain's message and hope he is an older gentleman with many years and hours of flying time. Weird I know.

I will not watch this movie for now, because I also saw the preview of the plane crash.