Friday, November 16, 2007


Oh yes blog-boys and blog-girls, it IS that time of year already!

Hi. My name is Misster-Kitty and I'm an Egg-Nog-a-holic. I lurvs the stuff. Don't know why, don't ask me. I just lurv it! And I got my first 2 litres of the stuff tonight! I'm a happy camper!

In the comming weeks I'll be reporting all the yum-dilli-licious ways I have consumed the holiday season's most yummy drink.


T said...

The best way-Egg Nog Shake
1-get out the blender
2-add egg nog
3-add rum
4-add a dash of cinnamon
5-add a dash of vanilla
6-add vanilla ice cream
7-blend until desired consistency

Anonymous said...

Egg Nog = Yack.

Sean Newbury said...

T I'm gonna have to try that... with home made ice cream no less!