Oh you read right...
I went to see a reading of the Vagina Monologues tonight, staring none other than our own N@ Lauzon (Who was FABU btw)
It was a Québec / Canadian Star studded event...
l-r: Marie-Josee Turcotte: Yea, I don't know who she is either, Eva Avila: Canadian Idol, Kim D'Eon: um, ET Canada... I think ...
I went to see a reading of the Vagina Monologues tonight, staring none other than our own N@ Lauzon (Who was FABU btw)
It was a Québec / Canadian Star studded event...
l-r: Marie-Josee Turcotte: Yea, I don't know who she is either, Eva Avila: Canadian Idol, Kim D'Eon: um, ET Canada... I think ...

Sophie Gregoire: wife of Justin Trudeau, and Québec reporter for E-Talk. (Unfortunatly we neither saw Justin or Sophies whacky Mother-in-law Maggie.)

Tara Spencer-Nairn: Constable Karen Kelly on Corner Gas. A great comedic actress, originally from Montréal. (You HAVE to rent NEW WATERFORD GIRL. The movie is a freaking riot and she stars prominently in it... )
Patsy Gallant: Chanteuse. Singing La Vie En Rose here... (Get it?! Vaginas are pink. Subtle no?)
Kim D'Eon: again... UM.... ET Canada... Not sure but I wanna find out, cause she was DAMN GOOD! She of the Angry Motherfuckin' Pussy.

Ginette Reno: Actriss, Singer... Etoile Québecoise

...and last but certainly not least... N@ Lauzon, or as I'll refer to her henceforth... The Vadge.
One last shot... The Pussy Possé...

It was a charity event to raise money to fight against abuse to women. Held at Gallery MX. There was also a vernisage of an artist "Niko" I'm afraid to say the art did not do much for me, but at any rate I was there for the V-M... and N@!
I saw part of it once, years ago on PBS. The author had done it as a one woman show... And either my memory is slipping or I used to be a prude; 'cause I was expecting a lot more foulness and naughty words... but aside from a few angry pussy' and 'motherfucking angry' lines it was rather tame... Funny though. Very funny!
Had a great time there with Ma Horton, Corn and Twiggy... (Maria... where waz you gurl?!)
A few amusing moments...
- Corn commented at one point that he couldn't help but feel a little anger directed toward him (as a male) ... but that completely bypassed me. Fortunately, I have diplomatic immunity from such female to male aggression.
- Through-out the night I just could NOT get the Oscar Mayer Wiener song outta my head... only with a minor adjustment... "My Vagina has a first name..."
and... my favourite...
The quote of the evening...
"Vaginas. Man they're deep."
Who said that?
Why, Misster-Kitty of course!
... all in all, a fun, enjoyable evening!
awwwwwwwww and you noticed I was MIA?
Sorry guys since I have been back from The Sunshine State I have been swamped with work. Plus, yesterday I had to go see our Real Estate Attorney to go over the contract we received from The US BANK. There is so much crap to go over and I am still not done.
I am really sad to have missed the V show I would have loved to have finally met Kitty and would have loved to hear KITTY say VAGINA! heh!
I am sure N@ did a fab job... along with all the other ladies!
Vadge kicked it, old skool. One of the first out of the Monolouge Door. She read the Vagina Interview of a 'mature' woman who sealed her 'cellar' shut years ago. VERY funny.
It was a great evening.
Of COURSE I noticed you weren't there... there was no souvlaki. HAH! Too bad you had to miss it...
But you are working on something for the greater good... a love nest in Florida! ;-)
I think that they were definitely some "beautiful people "women there last night that could be classified as "Grand Canyons " that too catty , Kitty ?
I never really thought of it as a "love nest" but hey whatever works.
I am now looking at ordering furniture, buying linens, towels, kitchen stuff etc for the townhome. So much to do, so little time. Argh!
turcotte is a sport newscaster for radio-canada, the french cbc...
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