Monday, March 3, 2008

Who jinxed me?

Ok this is not turning out to be a good day!

I missed my morning bus, or rather it left early and not only myself but many other fellow commuters were left waiting in the combo drizzle-sleet-hail-freezing rain combo this morning. And then the next bus was 15 mins late... which for a bus route that is supposed to pass every ten minutes leavesu with a huge wet line of grumpy Monday morning commuters. Then, even though there is no traffic we end up losing another 10 minutes and I get to work 30 mins late and the day just continues spiral downwards... and it's not even noon yet!

I've been doing things, that, even as I'm doing them I know are wrong, and yet feel compelled to complete, against my own will. The fax is now my sworn enemy, that only continues to exist because there is no window in my office through which to pitch. I have a wicked paper cut on my thump that seems as big if not bigger than the Suez canal.

...and as I've mentioned... it's not even noon yet, so I want to know, who'd I piss off? Who jinxed me? put a hex on me? cursed my Monday? Who? huh? Who?


Bob said...

Now now, there there, Kitty.
Someone jinxed your typing abilities, too, because I think you have a paper cut on your thumb, not your thumP.
And what is up with the fax? Hasn't your company entered the email era yet? Fax -- how late 20th century.

Big, manly cyber hug coming your way.

Hang in there...

Sean Newbury said...

SEE! Even my computer's spell check is against me!

The fax is used because many of our clients (hospital nuclear medicine depts.) do not have email... We do, but you can't email someone without an email addy... so we're still old school 80's technology here in many communicative ways.


Normally I'd correct the thumP typo. but you know what? fudge it! It stays.

Alls I can say is... Thank the gods n' goddesses that I'm off this coming Friday... and so, there's only 3 days to go.

Thanks for the manly he-hug byw... mighty butch of you. ;-)

John Mielke Photography said...

How does one get a paper cut on their THUMP?


Sean Newbury said...

it's too complicate to explain... lets just say... OWWIE!

Ma Horton said...

Define "thump " plz .

Sean Newbury said...

A Thump, is a Thumb with a paper cut the size of the Suez Canal.

Jerome said...

Oh, the curse. Might have been me. I woke up mumbling, and your name might have come up.

Jerome said...

Hey! Waitaminnit!

That sounded potentially dirty!


(As does the verification word below: yarpzfrz.)

Sean Newbury said...

Oh Jerome... If I had a nickle for every time I heard that...

Johnny said...

Pretty quiet in the Kitty Korner. .... (only half, 'cause I'm not one to point fingers, or paws.)

Sean Newbury said...

Dude! I was sleeping!