The Yuck of the Irish
Look, don't ask me... 'cause I don't know either...
I thought, well, since I'm Irish I'll do a quick little post for St-Paddy's (even though I think He was fill of shite), so I went to Google Images and typed in "Irish Leopard" in the hopes of finding a cute image of a Leprechaun or some such in Leopard Print to post. What I found was nothing of the sort.
Aside from various porno images* and not one, but two images of the Hoff.
Now I don't know if this is a well hidden fact, but I never knew the Night Rider was of the Irish persuasion... well, other than his fondness for the drink...
Be that as it may, I've decided to soldier on and use the pic because, well, I was too frightened to see what other images would be revealed if I clicked on NEXT. So, to one and all, Irish for life, or just the day...
I thought, well, since I'm Irish I'll do a quick little post for St-Paddy's (even though I think He was fill of shite), so I went to Google Images and typed in "Irish Leopard" in the hopes of finding a cute image of a Leprechaun or some such in Leopard Print to post. What I found was nothing of the sort.
Aside from various porno images* and not one, but two images of the Hoff.
Now I don't know if this is a well hidden fact, but I never knew the Night Rider was of the Irish persuasion... well, other than his fondness for the drink...
Be that as it may, I've decided to soldier on and use the pic because, well, I was too frightened to see what other images would be revealed if I clicked on NEXT. So, to one and all, Irish for life, or just the day...
a very

I SWEAR, I did not alter this picture in any way, shape or form. Despite the level of depraviy I may have in the past, or in the future dive; I could never, EVER have come up with this on my own. We have only the internet to blame... ---
* and what is WITH THAT anyway?!?! seems like no matter what search you do, ESPECIALLY in the image search, there's always some sick sick bastards lurking their with their *shudder* straight pornographic images... usually of the mondo-titty-titty-bang-bang variety.
I'm ashamed to admit that I find that picture of the Hoff... a little bit... attractive. Must be a Knight Rider flash-back. He ain't Irish though. Of this much I am certain.
Incidentally, I tried to find you a picture of a Leprechaun in leopard print. Evidently there are things yet unavailable on the www, contrary to popular belief.
Don't be ashamed... admitting it is the first step to recovery...
As for Leopard Print Leprechaun, I guess that is my destiny. I will create the world's first...
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