Wednesday, January 28, 2009


OK, so I KNOW there's a lot of fucked up shit out there on the web, and I'd kinda like to think that in some small way I've added to it myself... but what really flipping blows my mind is when you use Google Image Search, as I just did for the post right below this one, and typed in "Judy Tenuta" and amongst the completely, and totally unrelated images I was offered the following*...

Now, really, I'm used to finding odd shit, I honestly won't even show what came up when I did a search last night for the post about Santiago's flatulence issues... suffice to say that there were on the the first page countless images of over inflated and silicon injected 'ladies' in various poses and positions with many an unsavoury man... sometimes a couple of men...

I mean come on here people, I typed in 'JUDY TENUTA' and got topless shots, one of MISS PIGGY?!?!?! and then for 'DOG FART' I got XXX Bukkake images.


Is that it?

Is that what it's come down to?
(and I apologize for that double entendre it was entirely accidental)

- - - - -

* Please note that all images have been sanitized for your protection.


Maria said...

really ... don't hold back on anything you got to say. I wish I could bring you with me sometimes when I have had to deal with stupid people.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it's hard to believe there's anything actually useful on the interwebby

Sean Newbury said...

...other than you and I... naturally...