Monday, September 24, 2007

Corner Gas dances it's way into my heart...

It's no secret that I'm a huge Corner Gas fan. Hell I like Gas humour... heck I even like fart humour. It's low-brow, but I lurvs it. And sometimes it's both together in a Gassy-Farty one liner.

Tonight was their 5th Season's Premiere! Ahhhhhhhhhh the fall season has officially begun in earnest, if you ask me.

The only thing that could have made me love Corner Gas more was their commercial tie-in with the season premiere of Dancing with the Stars that preceeded the Gas. I wish I had a link to a video of it, but alas I could find none. Hopefully though you know the one I refer to. Here at least is an image I found on the weeb.

Looking forward to another Gassy good season! Corner Gas, you bloat me with your canuk funnyocity.