Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Well it's about time!


They get some backbone on that damn island. Finally they truly fight back. Finally the are taking care of business.

Didier was upset that I was so happy that they killed so many of the Others tonight. I guess I just put myself in the place of the Survivors. You can only take so much crap before you go on the Offensive. Good on em I say. This show tends to bring out my baser instincts some times.

My only regrets are that Charlie is gone and that Ben is still alive... although that elbow to the face from Rousseau was well worth the delay we NOW have ...

In case you're not up to date... the remaining 3 seasons of Lost will only be 16 episodes per season and the next season will only begin in January 2008!

So now we have 8 months to figure out what those Flash-Forwards are with Jack and Kate... Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?


N@ Lauzon said...

Eye patch man is hilarious.

Maria said...

Dude... the last few posts are about things I know nothing about. I did not follow DWTS & and I don't watch Lost... so whats a gal to do? I will just sit here patiently until a topic that I am familiar with pops up.

See that? This is me sitting patiently.

Sean Newbury said...

Ya gotta love One Eyed Russian Guy...

I kinda want to see him finally be the one to do in Ben...

Now that's MUST SEE TV!


Maria... you are too damn cute!

FYI "So You Think You Can Dance" starts tonight... not sure I'll watch but then you never know... stay tuned ....

Maria said...

I was tired last night and watched my favorite show "Judge Judy" shut up STOP laughing. Then I watched a bit of Deal or No Deal and went to bed. Woke up this morning on the couch cause its leather and its COLD and I felt like I was on fire last night when I was sleeping. Was it hot or was it just me?