My Cup of Tea...
I've had a massive crush on David Duchovny since I saw my first episode of the X-Files back in the mid 90's and it's never wavered...
...until now...
I have to say with all this talk in the news about his sex-addiction that I actually am MORE attracted to him ...what does that say about me? Who cares! I don't know WHY, but that he's got sex on the brains apparently 24/7/365 just makes me want him more....
...until now...
I have to say with all this talk in the news about his sex-addiction that I actually am MORE attracted to him ...what does that say about me? Who cares! I don't know WHY, but that he's got sex on the brains apparently 24/7/365 just makes me want him more....

Why am I not surprised that you would LOVE that about him? Has that really been on the news lately? WOW! Must have been a slow news day to be reporting on David's sex addiction... maybe, just maybe ... he is JUST A REGULAR GUY! Don't all dudes have a SEX addiction? I have never met one who ever refused SEX!! EVER!!
I'm just saying...
It's been in the news for a week or so actually... and apparently the bitch Tea has threatened Divorce if he doesn't seek therapy. Personally I say "You go Davie, me boy! SEX IT UP! ...and when Tia leaves you... *I'LL* still be here for you!"
Yea it's true men are all pigs... that's why homosexual men are just so danmed happy... they don't calls us GAY for nothing ya know!
hehehehe ... too funny. I got to let hubby read this post...
She is threatening divorce? WOW! What happened did he just BECOME a sex addict overnight? He just woke up one day and wanted "IT" all day long? I am sure he has been in this state for a LONG time - no? So whats the biggie ? (no pun intended...) hehehe
All this talk of David Duchovny and I just had to google him...
WOW --- I can't believe the media is reporting on such personal issues. I say Tea is only lucky, lucky gal. I don't really see what the big idea is though, so the guys likes SEX... and?
The sky is blue... and?
Lets move on...
Téa was supposed to be at the Toronto Film Festival this week, but backed out. Her publicist said it's so she can support David in his time of need, but it's really because she can finally get a good night's sleep!
Where DID you get that sexy picture of DD? I'm thinking this whole sex addiction thing is mighty convenient considering he's about to release a movie where he plays a sex addict. The Hollywood PR machine is an enormous force to be reckoned with and I would venture to guess that most of the stuff you see about celebrities is a carefully crafted story designed to sell movie tickets. That being said, I'm totally with you on DD's hotness factor. Can we share?
Tea snags my craw! Why won't she just let David be!
XUP alls I did was google 'david duchovny nude' et voila!
I agree the timing of the news and his film is questionable... either way I heard the DD.
We CAN share DD but you ought to get him first cause I'm not sure there will be much left of him once I'm through...
And what makes you think there’s going to be anything left of him after I’m through with him?? Eh?
He's already playing a sex addict on "Californication", going into its second season. Apparently this is a porn addiction, according to what I've heard.
You say Potato, I say Vodka...
Sex addiction, porn adiction... it's all good... he's still one hawt mofo...
I love an older man, they really do know how to fuck. Crude, but there you are.
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