Witches vs Bitches
What I really like about US politics is the candidates are soooooo much more entertaining. SCARY, but entertaining...
Case in point:
"Palin once blessed to be free from 'witchcraft'"
And I'm proud (and a little surprised) to see they actually posted my comments. Llook for "Shawn from Montréal"
GOD I love slow news days!
Here are the combatants:
Case in point:
"Palin once blessed to be free from 'witchcraft'"
And I'm proud (and a little surprised) to see they actually posted my comments. Llook for "Shawn from Montréal"
GOD I love slow news days!
Here are the combatants:

Which do you fear?
Isn't a 'blessing' to be free from witchcraft like a protection spell?
Can we get blessed to be free from Bitchcraft?
Yes, technically there are a vast many wards against evil in many cultures and religions...
Ultimately that's what such a blessing would be, but here's where it gets interesting...
...they've substituted the word 'evil' with 'witchcraft' (which I'll have you know for the most part is NOT evil. Black magic yes, White Magic, or more commonly just 'magic' is not) By specifying witchcraft and NOT evil they left themselves WIDE OPEN...
Even MORE interesting, a true witch would not wish her any harm as that goes against their most important axiom: the Rule of Three, (Threefold Law Law of Return, or Wiccan Rede). Basically...
It claims that whatever energy a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times.
Sooooooooooo… a Witch would actually wish success on the democrats, thereby fulfilling their desire not to have the nut-jobs back in the White House, instead of wishing anything bad to the republicans…
...course we still have Harper, so it's not like we're complete free of the freakoid factor...
That's one big crab Sarah has there!
All I can say is that her interior decorator, sure as hell ain't no poofter...
Maybe someone who usually decorates igloos in Alaska?
Excellent comment. You could have carried that on to an entire article highlighting her discriminatory, red neck, white trash lifestyle. And I'm much more afraid of Le Palin than some green-faced hag
Careful Shawn. Look what the bitch did to the last bear who crossed her. ;)
In all seriousness. Sarah Palin is far more frightening than any witch. Ignorance and power should never mix, and yet so many Americans fall into line. Stupid republicans. And stupid Canadian Conservatives for that matter.
Oh please! if that bitch gets near me then I'll just sing a little song that Bette taught me...
I put a spell on you
and now you're mine.
You can't stop the things I do.
I ain't lyyyyyin'.
It's been 300 years
right down to the day,
now the witch is back
and there's hell to pay.
I put a spell on you
and now you're miiiiiine!
Hello, Alaska! My name's Kitty, what's yours?
I put a spell on you
and now you're gone.
My whammy fell on you
and it was strong.
Your wretched little lives
have all been cursed,
'cause of all the witches working
I'm the worst!
I put a spell on you
and now you're mine!
[Watch out!]
If you don't believe,
you'd better get superstitious.
Ask my sisters!
"Ooh, she's vicious!"
I put a spell on you,
a wicked spell,
I put a spell on you.
“Ah say into pie,
Oppa mabey uppen die”.
Hey, hi, say, bye-bye-i-i-i-i-i-i!
Bye bye
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