worth a thousand wörter
Now I'm not going to use the 'n' word here, because frankly I really do believe it diminishes the true evil of what they did... not only to the Jews, but to Gypsies, Intellectuals, Homosexuals and on and on and on...
...But what I cannot stop myself from saying after seeing a picture like this, especially considering her views on local, national and international issues...

I has a scared...
...But what I cannot stop myself from saying after seeing a picture like this, especially considering her views on local, national and international issues...

I has a scared...
Does she have a pit stain?
Seems like.. I guess she shoulda used SURE!
Oh, for goodness sake, you should work for FOX News, skewing the context of the tiniest little image. She's a hockey mom, for crying out loud! Doesn't that make her fit for the job of possibly running the most powerful country on Earth? Imagine the bitchin' outdoor rink on the south lawn of the White House!
oh please... if I worked for FOX I'd be praising the wing-nut and crowning her Empress of the Universe already...
...that ain't a gonna happin.
That's "sieg heil"
mea culpa
You vill look at zee zpelling und lizzen to zee pronunziation zat Fraulein XUP uzes, und you too vill uze it.
I think she's warding off Putin.
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